Friday 13 February 2015

Scheduling Export of Reports to FTP Server from JasperServer

In this article I would like to demonstrate How we could export reports to a ftp server in Synchronization with Scheduling a job.
As there are client requirements that reports should be regular bulk export of data to the site or FTP server ,JasperServer has provided options that by Scheduling Job we could either mail reports to user send notifications to clients/user or could directly export reports to a FTP server or could choose both mailing and export of reports simultaneously as in my case.

First I would show you how we could export reports to an FTP server 

Preconditions :
1.) Working JasperServer either Community or Pro Edition
2.) There should be a report on JasperServer for Scheduling Job

Follow the following Steps to Schedule Job:

1.) Right Click on Report and Select Schedule Option.
2.) Click on Create Schedule.

3.) Under Schedule there are various options like 
  •   Schedule Start
  •   Recurrence Type
    Under Scheduled Start :  Selected  immediately and Under Recurrence Type : Selected Calender

4.) Under times select Hours and Minutes,Here I have chosen 0-23 for running every hour and 0 in minutes for running at start of every hour. 

5.) Select Output Options.

6.) In Output Options under Formats Select PDF Format and Enters FTP Details
      FTP Details :
  •      Server
  •      Directory
  •      UserName
  •      Password
     And Click on Test Connections to verify whether connection is successful or not

7.)  Final Step Click on Submit and Check the Scheduled Transfer of Reports on FTP Server.

Now the Scheduled export of reports on FTP server would work successfully .

I would also share video with all regarding the Steps.Hope you would find this article helpful ,

Thanks :)
