Thursday, 4 December 2014

JasperSoft ETL

Lets First discuss about what is ETL.ETL stands for Extract Transform and Load.These terms refers to processes in Database and Data Warehousing that are combined into one tool to pull data from one database transform it and load it to another database .

  • Extract: Extracts data from homogeneous or heterogeneous data sources or databases
  • Transform:It is the process of converting extracted into desired form.Transformation occurs by using rules or look-up tables or by combining the data with other data.
  • Load :It means loading data into target database.

We need to install JasperSoft Etl (One of the tool to design jobs and run ETL).You could download  JasperSoft ETL from  the JasperSoft Community site

After you open JasperSoft ETL and create a project name , Here I have chosen project name as TestETLProcess .Window that would show-up is

Below are the steps to create ETL Process:

1.) First we need to create a job under Job Designs 

      a) Right click on Job Designs 
      b) Select Create Job
      c) Write Job Name and click Finish .

2.) Create DB connection of source db from where tables needs to be processed.
   a) Expand MetaData
   b) Then Click on DbConnection 
   c) Create the name of Db Connection and click on next.

3.) Select DB type For e.g I have selected mysql and fill rest of the requirements.

4.) Click on check connection to check if connection is successful or not . If the connection is successful then click finish.

5.) Make another Db connection  of the target database where we want to transfer database.

6.) Now we would retrieve schema of Source Db .
      a) Right click on source db (In my Case it is CouponDb ) select retrieve schema.
      b) After you click on retrieve schema the following window would pop-up.

    c) Click on Next.
    d) After you click on Next following window would popup in which click on Select All .
    e) Click on Next and then Click Finish.

7.)  Under CouponDb click on Table schemas and drag the tables which you want to transform and load on Target Database.

8.) I have selected Coupon and CouponCode tables and dragged them to Job window and selected tMySqlInput option.

  9.) In Palette on Right under Processing select tMap and drag it in job window.

 10.) Right Click on Coupon and CouponCode and select Row->Main and drag the line to tMap_1.

 11.) From Palette on right click on Databases->Mysql select tMysqlOutput .

 12.) Right click on tMap select Row->Main drag it to tMySqlOutput_1 .Select the name of row which you want (I have selected transform) .

13.) Double click tMap component.Drag coupon_code_id from coupon table to id column in couponcode table ,to make sure that it is a unique match.

14.) Now we will select columns we want to get and drag it to the right at transform table.

15.) Click Ok and close the component.

16.) Double click tMySqlOutput and fill the credentials of database and table name you want to set .
        In the action select Create Table if not exists and in Action on Data select Insert or Update.

    17.)Double click on Edit Schema to check the schema .

   18.) Click Ok and close the window.Now we will run the ETL and check Dataflow .

   19.) Press F6 to run ETL process and check dataflow .

Hope the article would be helpful .I would be looking forward to your comments suggestion and feedback.  ......Thanks :)

Tuesday, 14 October 2014

Creating user using JasperServer Rest API

First let us have a brief idea about REST(Representational State Transfer) web service is an alternative to RPC (Remote procedural calls) and webservices (SOAP, WSDL, et al.).REST relies on a stateless ,client-server cacheable communications protocols and in virtually in all cases HTTP is used.

What is REST WebService ?   

REST is a light weighted alternative to WebServices like other web services it has features like:
  • Platform Independent
  • Language Independent
  • Standards Based
  • Easily be used with firewalls
What is Client ? 

Client calls services of server by sending request to the server in the form of URL and receiving response in return.Client bascially is a interface that passes parameters in the form of JSON,TEXT/PLAIN,XML etc.

For more info on rest services visit

How to create user using Jasper-rest-api ?

To create a user account we need to put all details of user in the descriptor and pass it in descriptor,and include it in a PUT request to the rest_v2/users service, with the intended user ID (username) specified in the URL

To create a user account the userId must be unique if the userId is not unique then the already existing user will be edited.

There are two urls First is for commercial version and second is for community version.

Method : PUT



Content/type:application/json or application/xml

The descriptor that is passed needs to contain the following details:
"externallyDefined" :false,

Below are steps on how to create a rest client for creating users on jasper server in java:

1.)  Open net beans under File option File->NewProject Select Java and Java  WebApplication Name the project (I have chosen project name JasperClientTest).

 2.) Add jersey-client jar file,jersey-core jar file,jesey-server jar file,jersey-servlet jar file,jersey-json jar file ,asm jar file by right clicking on libraries folder and selecting Add Jar option.

 3.) Creating and Configuring a Client Instance :
            public static void main(String[] args) {

               ClientConfig config = new DefaultClientConfig();
               Client client = Client.create(config);


 4.) Creating a web resource instance:
          public static void main(String[] args) {

            ClientConfig config = new DefaultClientConfig();
            Client client = Client.create(config);
            WebResource service = client.resource(getBaseURI());


       private static URI getBaseURI() {



5.)Passing Authorization If the server holds login and password . Here I will show an example of basic authorization 
       Authenticator.setDefault(new Authenticator() {
        protected PasswordAuthentication getPasswordAuthentication() {
        return new PasswordAuthentication("jasperadmin","jasperadmin".toCharArray());



6.)Prepare a json data having user details in it. 

      String input = "{\"fullName\":\"XYZ\",\"password\":\"jasperadmi\",\"emailAddress\":\"\",\"tenantid\":\"Ag\",\"enabled\":true,\"externallyDefined\":false,\"roles\":[{\"name\":\"ROLE_USER\"},{\"name\":\"ROLE_VOUCHER\"}]}";

JSONObject jObject  = new JSONObject(input);

7.) Create a client response with put request passing url to call jasper User Service and   make its type "application/json"

ClientResponse response  =service.path("rest_v2").path("users").path("XYZ").type("application/json") .put(ClientResponse.class,jObject);
 URL that would be made is :localhost:8080/jasperserver/rest_v2/users/XYZ

8.) To receive output from server write 

    (a) In case the user is not created

           if (response.getStatus() != 201) {
               throw new RuntimeException("Failed : HTTP error code : " 
                 + response.getStatus());

    (b) In case the user is created

          System.out.println("Output from Server .... \n");

          String output = response.getEntity(String.class);


 9.)  Jasper Server will return a Status of 201 if the user is created,200 if the user is found
(If user is already present in put request edits user details),400 status indicates there is some  syntax  error  in json data that we are passing,401 status indicates authorization 
error like wise there are other status which you could read from here)

10.) You can download the complete Netbean project of rest client from here .

Before running the project customize json and websource url according to your requirements

I would like your comments and feedback thanks :)


Sunday, 28 September 2014

Customizing PieCharts in Jasper Reports 


Pie charts are a form of an area chart that are easy to understand with a quick look. They show the part of the total (percentage) in an easy-to-understand way. Pie charts are useful tools that help you figure out and understand polls, statistics, complex data, and income or spending. They are so wonderful because everybody can see what is going on. Use them to make excellent visual displays that explain data to other people-- in school projects, work presentations or pitching sales figures to clients. 

Here in this tutorial I will show how to customize PieCharts:

1. ) First drag charts into the report from palette window.

2. ) In the charts window select 2d pie chart.

3. ) Default view of pie chart

   4. ) Remove legend and labels by unchecking Show Legend and Show Label from PieChart properties tab .

5. ) Now the pie chart would look like this.


 6.) Now I will show you how to further customize pie chart , we will create a java project( I have creatred a java project named CustomizedCharts ).

 7.) Add com.mysql jar file , jasperreports jar file , jcommon jar file , jfreecharts jar file.

  8.) Here is the customize code to denote one pie with value January separately.

   9.) Build the project and add classpath to Ireport by clicking Tools->Options->ClassPath->Add Jar

   10.) Now Add customizer bar chart by selecting customizer class option.

   11.) After putting customized code the chart would look like this.

  12.)  To create full exploded chart view. Here is the code to create full exploded view of piechart

   13.) After applying this code it chart would look like

    Hope this article would be helpful.
    Please put your views or questions or suggestions below, I will be more than happy to hear them..

Monday, 15 September 2014

Customize JfreeBarChart

A bar chart or bar graph is a chart with rectangular bars with lengths proportional to the values that they represent.We need charts to represent data in pictorial format so that it becomes more appealing.

We have chart options present palette but they have very limited customization properties available therefore we need customizer classes to represent graph in a better format.

In this article I will show how to customize chart both by using customization properties in ireport
and through customizer classes.

Now how to create charts:

1.) Drag chart from palette window into detail band or summary band depending upon requirements.
(I have used chart in summary band).

2.) From the Palette choose bar chart option.

3.)Choose Bar chart Series color (I have chosen grey as series color)

4.)Default view of Bar Chart.
Default View BarChart

5.)Remove legend by unchecking ShowLegend,Tick-marks and Tick-labels shown in red tick mark.
Customize Bar Chart

6.)View Of BarChart.
Customized Bar Chart

7.) Now I fill Show how to further customize bar chart remove X-axis and Y-axis grid lines.
In order to further customize bar chart we will create a java project(I have created Project named CustomizedCharts).

8.)Add com.mysql jar file , jasperreports jar file , jcommon jar file , jfreecharts jar file.
Jar files required

9.)This is the customized chart code to remove X and Y horizontal and vertical gridlines.
Customizer Classes

10.)Build the project and add classpath to Ireport by clicking Tools->Options->ClassPath->Add Jar.

11.)Now Add customizer bar chart by selecting customizer class option.

12.)After implementing cutomization class the bar chart looks like.

13.) Now we will make customized bar renderer class to show maximum length bar with green color and minimum bar chart with blue color.We will add following code in BarChart Class shown
in 9th point.

//Set the Customized Bar Renderer
CustomizedCharts renderer = new CustomizedCharts();
chart.getCategoryPlot().setRenderer((CategoryItemRenderer) renderer);

14.)Following is CustomizedCharts Class code that implements BarRenderer
15.)View of cutomized chart showing maximum with green and minimum with red color.

Hope this article would be helpful.

Please put your views or questions or suggestions below, I will be more than happy to hear them..